Thursday, September 08, 2005

a possible template for tea tasting notes

just 'for the record' -- for my own ease of retrieval as much as for anything else -- i will post here the template i've devised for tea-tasting notes. i seem to revise it all the time, so there's nothing sacred or graven-in-stone about this, even for me. but it is intended to offer a way of keeping track of some of the tea-related data one might be interested in later.


Tea Tasting Notes

Here is an all-purpose set of guidelines for making notes on the teas you drink. You should feel free to fill in as much or as little as you find useful. For example, there is space here for information about five separate infusions, which may be useful in the case of some China teas. For other tea types, this would be superfluous. And while the Chinese (for example) like to display and inspect the infused leaves, the English (for example) would find this an odd practice. So the individual drinker will decide which of these data are worth recording.

--- type [red/black, green, blue/oolong, yellow, white, sheng pu'er, shu pu'er]:
--- place of origin:
--- estate/garden, if applicable:
--- factory/processing plant, if applicable:
--- leaf-grade, if applicable:
--- date processed:
--- date purchased:
--- date brewed for these notes:

--- color:
--- constituency:
--- aroma:

TEA-TO-WATER PROPORTIONS [grams to fl oz]:

BREWING VESSEL [pot, gaiwan, etc]:

--- time:
--- temp:
--- color:
--- aroma:
--- taste:
--- leaf appearance:
--- leaf aroma:

--- time:
--- temp:
--- color:
--- aroma:
--- taste:
--- leaf appearance:
--- leaf aroma:

--- time:
--- temp:
--- color:
--- aroma:
--- taste:
--- leaf appearance:
--- leaf aroma:

--- time:
--- temp:
--- color:
--- aroma:
--- taste:
--- leaf appearance:
--- leaf aroma:

--- time:
--- temp:
--- color:
--- aroma:
--- taste:
--- leaf appearance:
--- leaf aroma:


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