palo alto, which is where i've been visiting, must be a tough market for the aspiring tea-house. in an area already enjoying a plethora of upscale shops and boutiques, a mass of drinkeries already in place -- from starbucks to the numerous one-off cafes -- and a highly sophisticated clientele, the competition is, i'm guessing, pretty fierce. it's certainly a buyer's market: even the least upscale restaurants have carefully designed interiors, and [as they are typically blessed with gorgeous weather] many such establishments capitalize on the abundant sunshine by incorporating skylights, light wells, or other connections to the outside. clean lines and simple elegance predominate in the appointments. retail prices tend to reflect the likely investment these vendors have made in their emporia. there's lots of creativity around here: google was invented in menlo park, just a stone's throw away.
so i didn't know what to expect when stepping out of my quaint hotel, the cardinal, on ramona -- just a stroll away from the edge of the stanford campus.
but 'imagine my surprise,' as they say, to discover not one, but two tea houses [not coffee houses that also offer teas: actual tea houses] within two minutes' walk of my hotel. and one of these, moreover, advertised in its very window that it specialized in 'premium chinese teas.' naturally, for you, dear reader, i had to investigate them both. herewith, a few notes, with accompanying pictures.
'tea time' is an attractive little establishment -- a 'tea lounge,' to use their terminology -- in a row of shops on ramona, between university and hamilton [542 ramona street].

the tea list, as promised, is an ambitious one. while it includes many teas from india and ceylon, it also has a reputable section of red, oolong, green, and white teas from china, taiwan, and japan.

over on university, a minute or two away from 'tea time,' is neotte -- 'passionate about finding and bringing the best quality Chinese teas for you,'

neotte does not have a huge space for clientele, but it was bustling while i was there. several people arrived and departed, while others sat and wi-fi surfed on their laptops as they drank. i did not do a careful count, but it did seem as though at least some of these were drinking iced teas, or perhaps an 'iced neolatte' -- a chilled tea with milk. but while my own tea was being brewed, one patron came up and ordered a small pot of pu'er for his table, so at least some of this clientele is showing up specifically in order to drink traditional china teas.

one of the most intriguing aspects of neotte is the very ambitious array of tea equipage for sale, virtually all of it sourced from china or taiwan.

another intriguing aspect -- of a very different sort -- is the fact that neotte does not hesitate to sell, alongside its china teas, an array of pastries that clearly come from the west-european and american tradition.

what both these tea-houses put me in mind of, more than anything else, is the current popularity of 'asian fusion' restaurants. westerners are growing increasingly aware of, and interested in, asian cultures -- not always with any clear sense of their multiplicity or diversity -- and by no means always with the kind of unqualified enthusiasm that signifies readiness for total immersion. mainstream america wants access to a well-defined, clearly-modulated experience of otherness -- to be sampled within carefully limited parameters and [above all] not too far from terra firma: we need to be able to scuttle back to familiarity whenever necessary. for precisely the same reasons, mainstream USA is much more likely to crave [e.g.] a trip to taco bell than to eat the way actual mexicans eat.
and that is natural enough. maybe some cultures are, overall, more adventurous than others, but traditions and styles of eating and drinking are an extraordinarily intimate part of what makes each culture what it is. it would be unfair to expect any of them -- including the north american -- to jettison its own customs and cherished favorite foods to embrace those of another.
in view of that, it would be unrealistic to expect that every new tea-house featuring china teas attempt the faithful and thoroughgoing recreation of the cha-guan of beijing or guangzhou. and indeed, it is not only not feasible, but also not even fully desirable: the real issue is that americans, living american lives in america, nonetheless broaden their perspective and worldview enough to realize that other peoples, in other lands, live lives very differently from our own; and that there is something rich and beautiful to be appreciated in each of these cultures. and maybe even, from time to time, to be borrowed into our own.
-- corax
I've been wondering about these places for a while now but I haven't found the time to go check them out. Thanks for reviewing them!
Have you heard about Mountain View Tea Village and Gallery? This one is also on my list of tea houses to visit, and being in Mountain View (on Castro) as opposed to super-trendy Palo Alto, it might have a more authentic feel than Neotte and Tea Time.
> Have you heard about
> Mountain View Tea Village
> and Gallery?
no, i hadn't, so thanks for the heads-up. if i can get there before i leave the bay area, i will definitely check it out ... and if not this time, then next!
An excellent review. It's good to see that the US has an open heart for such things. I'm hoping to visit my little brother in Palo Alto before too long, and so your guide will be used first-hand.
> I'm hoping to visit my little
> brother in Palo Alto before too
> long, and so your guide will be
> used first-hand.
i'm so glad, hobbes. have a good time. i was not able to visit the 'mountain view tea village & gallery' that brent mentions [above] before i left palo alto, but that might be good too. it's listed as being at 275 castro street [not to be confused with the more famous castro street in downtown san francisco; their telephone is listed as 650.988.1939, and that area-code definitely signifies the lower part of the bay area, which is where palo alto is found]. enjoy! and have your brother take his time in showing you around -- the sheer variety in cuisine in downtown palo alto, which is not after all terribly big, is almost overwhelming. two chinese restaurants in close proximity of one another: RANGOON [at 565 bryant street] and TAI PAN [at 560 waverley street]. very different: rangoon is the more unprepossessing, quite small and simple, and cheap; tai pan is larger, far more elegant, and more expensive. at tai pan you can get dim sum [up to a certain point in the day, as is typical], but at rangoon you can get burmese food. at rangoon, be aware, the tea in the pot is in a bag; at tai pan, when i asked what kind of tea they had, my server proudly announced 'jasmine,' but when i asked if i could have some kind of plainer oolong instead, she happily brought that. if you have a tea that you are fond of with a meal, i see no reason why you could not bring it along to either place, and just ask for hot water.
these are the two i had time to eat in. there are doubtless other [and possibly better] places in town, and here is where your brother, if he lives there, can be a good advisor.
Jolly good, thanks again for your ever-generous advice. I think a taste of Burma would definitely go down well with us.
Kind regards, and toodlepip,
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